Replika -- simple really.
a) with easy bbcode+smiley plugin installed, i just add a script to call more smileys using javascript. in all quickpost/post/edit files (viewtopic.php, edit.php, post.php) at the areas where the original smileys are located, i just added this script:
<a href="javascrip:null()" onclick="'smiley.php', 'smilies', 'width=300,height=500,resizeable=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no');qpe.focus();return false">See more smilies</a>
b) i copied help.php to a new file called smiley.php, and deleted all the other non-smiley contents. insert this javascript in the header:
<script language="javascript">
function add_smiley(z){
c) add this somewhere in smiley.php when the smiley data is being read from mthe database
echo ' '.$lang_help['produces'].' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="add_smiley(\' '.$cur_text.'\'); return true;"><img src="img/smilies/'.$cur_img.'" alt="'.$cur_text.'" border="0" /></a><br />'."\n";
So when a user click on "See more smilies", a popup window of smiley.php will open up, and a click on each smiley will send the ascii code to the post textarea.
hope that helps.