Topic: Redirecting after editing

When you're editing post on .. for example.. 3rd page, you'll be automaticly redirected on first page, and not to edited post..
How to fix that?

Re: Redirecting after editing

not for me hmm sure its not something you've edited?

3 (edited by Dexus 2005-04-13 16:00)

Re: Redirecting after editing

I guess I did something wrong.. now it's fine wink
sorry everybody...
well there is one similar wish - somehow to logout without loosing page you are on. Or maybe re-login as other user...
because when you're getting as admin, oftenly you got to go back and find messages you want to fix...

Re: Redirecting after editing

well i don't think thats important, when you logout you are usually leaving the page and i don't think having more than one user is needed except for testing


Re: Redirecting after editing

maybe it is... as i'm in testing period - i found this feature very useful smile