Topic: I can't stay logged in to my forum
I have just run the PunBB Migration Tool to take my site away from PHBB.
I'd like to explain, in stages, what problems I've had, what I did to try to fix them, and where I'm at now:
1. After conversion, all looked fine - all users and posts were brought over.
2. When logged in as Site Admin, I tried to go to the "Administration" area but was denied access and automatically logged out.
3. I went into PHPMyadmin and changed the group_id for the Site Admin user to "1" (it was set to "4").
4. I logged into the forum as Site Admin again, and everything seemed fine. I was able to do administration and also to use the forum as a user (I also logged in as a normal user).
5. I have been modifying the CSS and main.tpl files All I have done is enclose the forum in a container div which sits in my site layout. Since doing this, I have a login/logout problem. I can login, but as soon as I go to any page within the forum, I am automatically logged out. This is the case for a normal user login and also a Site Admin login.
So, that is where I am at - unable to stay logged in and unable to do any administration. I have just checked the database, and the Site Admin user group_id is still set to "1". Also, I have tried reverting to the original CSS and main.tpl files but I have the same problem with these.
I've just noticed that the tool is for PunBB 1.2.1, whereas I went to 1.2.5 - does anyone know if that might be the root of my problem?