Topic: white/grey posts interchange

Can i setup punbb 1.2.5 to show neighbor post with alternate colors like in 1.1.5?

Re: white/grey posts interchange

yes all posts have a rowodd or roweven class

Re: white/grey posts interchange

hmmm. ok. but how i can?

4 (edited by Dexus 2005-04-26 13:46)

Re: white/grey posts interchange

you have to make some split in  "1.1" in *_cs.css (color style), .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, #adminconsole FIELDSET TH, .rowodd, .roweven {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F1F1F1}

make them kinda, .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, #adminconsole FIELDSET TH, .rowodd {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F1F1F1}
.roweven {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #C1C1C1}

Re: white/grey posts interchange

sorry, but your advice didn't work.

Re: white/grey posts interchange

even i put

DIV.blockpost.rowodd {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #C1C1C1}
DIV.blockpost.roweven {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F1F1F1}

it didn't work properly


Re: white/grey posts interchange

Which colours do you want to alternate, the right column, left column or both.

BTW. The css you posted isn't valid so it couldn't work.

Re: white/grey posts interchange

right column with post body


Re: white/grey posts interchange

Open your colour scheme stylesheet and replace section 2.1 with this

/* 2.1 This is the setup for posts */

/* Even Rows */
div.roweven, div.roweven div.postright, div.roweven div.postfootright {background-color: #dedfdf} /* right column */
div.roweven div.postright, div.roweven div.postfootright {border-left-color: #f1f1f1} /* left column */
div.roweven div.postleft, div.roweven div.postfootleft, div.blockpost label {background-color: #f1f1f1} /* left column */
.pun div.roweven blockquote, div.roweven div.codebox {background-color: #f1f1f1} /* Quote and code boxes */

/* Odd Rows */
div.rowodd, div.rowodd div.postright, div.rowodd div.postfootright {background-color: #f1f1f1} /* right column */
div.rowodd div.postright, div.rowodd div.postfootright {border-left-color: #dedfdf} /* left column */
div.rowodd div.postleft, div.rowodd div.postfootleft, div.blockpost label {background-color: #dedfdf} /* left column */
.pun div.rowodd blockquote, div.rowodd div.codebox {background-color: #dedfdf} /* Quote and code boxes */

You should now be able to alternate the colours of both columns and the code and quote boxes. Just change the colours to suit.

Re: white/grey posts interchange

not exactly i needed but thx. it helps me.