Topic: Flash
I made a flash animation of the punBB logo, but I don't know how to show it to you.
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PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 discussion → Flash
I made a flash animation of the punBB logo, but I don't know how to show it to you.
Right click and save as. Then open it.
Don't just click on the link, you'll get a huge and slow animation.
hmm its a nice idea, you realise theres high resolution images availiable? and it would be nice if it appeared fluidly...
Didn't know about the hi-res pics. I can try to let it appear fluidly, but that would be a bit harder to create, but I can try. you can get the pic there, to make it appear more fluidly can't you have a black shape covering it up that is tweened to slide away to show the logo a bit at a time?
I'll try, but If you're going to use it, where are going to? At the main screen at the left? In that case, the hi-res pic would be too large . Could you give me some dimenssions or tell me where you are going to use it?
By the way, do you mean by more fluidly, like this?
(Rightclick, Save as. Do not open directly from this link)
yeh, i'm not a flash expert, but with an image that high res is it not easy to make it a vector? also you've started it appearing slightly too far to the right so when the \ bar appears \- appears at the same time if you know what i mean lol
as for where i would use it, i won't i'm just making suggestions lol
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 discussion → Flash
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