Topic: google indexation


I just want to have your opinion. My site is indexed by google. But forum's pages seem not to be crawled.
See here for example http://www.google.fr/search?q=+site:www … 0&sa=N

There are url, but no title, no text...

Any idea?


Re: google indexation

maybe its your bad markup? whats the </NOSCRIPT> doing in the middle of the markup?


Re: google indexation

noscript is a part of the code the advertiser gave me. It's for the ban. It's not made by me.
noscript is present on other pages (my index.php for example) and these pages are crawled.

Don't think it's the cause of the problem because it's crawled on other pages with <noscript>


Re: google indexation

no there is one in the wrong place
<div id="brdheader" class="block">
    <div class="box">

        <div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">
            <p> </p></NOSCRIPT>


Re: google indexation

you're right. There was a former piece of code. Don't know why.
I just have to wait several days to see if that was the problem with google.
I did not think a simple <noscript> could have prevent google form crawling my site.

Thanks again Connorhd,
