Topic: CSS selectors
Hi !
I checked to see if the topic is not discussed elsewhere, so i hope it didn't.
'think Paul will be the one to anwser...
I wonder why you did separate selectors in multiple categories (border, margin, etc.) instead of making one selector with all the rules in them.
I mean, i think it's a bit messy for newbies (and for people who don't code this way, i guess) who have to check all the document for each kind of selector's property.
Wouldn't it be more efficient (readable for people who don't crawl in PunBB code all day long) to group each id / class / element properties in one selector instead ?
This is just my vision, don't take it personnaly, ok ?
I really like the separated colors and structure CSS, though.
Is it your way of coding CSS, or is there any reason for coding like this ?
Anyway, thanks for all this great work on PunBB to all of you folks...