Topic: Avatar size problem - limits not taken into account, ver. 1.2.5
Hello, and thanks for providing us with this opensource soft.
My punBB version: 1.2.5 , and I'm hosted at globat so I do not own the server.
The forum is right here:
The problem:
I get a sizing error as soon as I try to upload an avatar. I CHMODED the receiving directory to 777. I set the avatar size to 100 x 100 and 50kb , and I still keep having:
The file you tried to upload is wider and/or higher than the maximum allowed 100x100 pixels.
which is not true. I tryied with less than 60x60 pictures, different formats (jpg or gif) and I keep having this mistake.
Also, I tryied to upload one animated gif and here i got a different error:
The selected file was only partially uploaded. Please try again.
but the gif concerned is less than 50kb.
So it seems that the limits set-up on the size in the admin panel is messed up, but no idea why. Finally, I got disconnected while I was uploading the punBB files on my FTP, before the installation. But I re-uploaded "everything" -after- i got the forum installed and discovered that error. Could that be some corrupted file linked to the db ? Should I re-install everything (files, database setup etc) or do you have any other idea why I got this uploading problem ?
Thanks for your time.