Topic: Newbie: Organize Topics Differently?

Is there currently a way to organize the topics in a forum differently?  For example, I'd like to actually organize them with oldest at top instead of newest, and would also love the ability to move topics around in the order manually.  Is any of this possible currently?

Essentially, I want to create a forum that is Frequently Asked Questions about my product.  Users will not be able to post in this particular forum, it is more for their information and reading only.  So, I'd like to be able to add FAQ's as time goes on and control where in the topic list that new topic is seen.  Or at least have the new topic added at the end/bottom instead of at the beginning/top.


Re: Newbie: Organize Topics Differently?

maybe you want a faq system instead of a forum? you could easily reverse their order, but adding new ones in different places would be more difficult

Re: Newbie: Organize Topics Differently?

Hi - thanks for the response.  Well, I have other forums there so it made sense to just include the FAQ's along with them there.  I have seen it done like this in other forums.  See, this FAQ area is for current customers whereas I have a different FAQ area on my site for potential customers.  They deal with different things and it makes sense to have the one dealing with technical issues alongside the tech support forum.  Are thee any kind of mods that would be more of a "FAQ system" as you mentioned?
And, you said it would be easy to reverse the order, but didn't how......could you elaborate?  that would solve the majority of my needs, although not all of them.