Topic: Show currently playing song in signature/some talk about music & sigs
I use Windows® Media Player 10 to listen to music on my computer, and I'm wondering if there's a way that I can show what song is playing in my user signature. Any ideas?
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PunBB Forums → General discussion → Show currently playing song in signature/some talk about music & sigs
I use Windows® Media Player 10 to listen to music on my computer, and I'm wondering if there's a way that I can show what song is playing in my user signature. Any ideas?
Fairly easy to accomplish with xmms, don't know about media player.
i would have though the easiest way would be to get audioscrobbler then try a sig thing for that
You should have put the URL ending in (THX) in [url ] tags.
you got the idea
Yesterday it wouldn't work. Today, it works partly.
why don't you combine the 2 images in your signature so we don't have all that blank bit
I've considered that. Oh, and thanks for telling me about the audioscrobbler thing.
Yes, please make your signature images a bit smaller. Half that size would be desirable.
Fairly easy to accomplish with xmms, don't know about media player.
how do you do it with XMMS?
XMMS has a plugin called "Song Change" that runs a command you specify when the song changes. I set it to the command
php send.php "%s"
the script base64 encodes the title to keep the special chars, and calls a file on the server with ?song=whatever that decodes and writes it to a text file. The file song.php makes the graphic when called.
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(600, 30);
$bg = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
imagecolortransparent($im, $gb);
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
$song = file_get_contents('song.txt');
$song = $song ? $song : '[Offline]';
imagestring($im, 5, 0, 0, "Now playing: $song", $textcolor);
header("Content-type: image/png");
You need to be running php locally to use this method of course , but I'm sure there are other ways,
that audioscrobbler should work with anything (audioscrobbler has loads of plugins), and once you have the code to get the data, you can make it pretty, all the writing in my sig is done by php and imo its pretty neat and clean
Yes, please make your signature images a bit smaller. Half that size would be desirable.
Yes. I just left the empty space in the 1st one in case I needed it but I'll remove the blank space. And I just did.
Now if only I could combine the 2 or something... (And I just did. )
XMMS has a plugin called "Song Change" that runs a command you specify when the song changes. I set it to the command
php send.php "%s"
the script base64 encodes the title to keep the special chars, and calls a file on the server with ?song=whatever that decodes and writes it to a text file. The file song.php makes the graphic when called.
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(600, 30); $bg = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); imagecolortransparent($im, $gb); $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255); $song = file_get_contents('song.txt'); $song = $song ? $song : '[Offline]'; imagestring($im, 5, 0, 0, "Now playing: $song", $textcolor); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($im);
You need to be running php locally to use this method of course , but I'm sure there are other ways,
I've been meaning to set up a server.
edit: I have a server set up with the pages. What command do I set "sound changer" to
This thread inspired me to signup at audioscrobbler, I like the fact they run Debian.
I used to use Winamp on Windows, currently I use amaroK on KDE.
I don't plan on adding the currently playing song to my sig, I prefer simple sigs.
What I did was add my playlist to my feeds site:
The command is
php send.php "%s"
The %s is the track title, and you can get that parameter from inside the php script using $argv[1]
Edit: ewww, coldplay
i think your in the minory look at the chart on the right - coldplay rule
I know.
Coldplay is hot right now, I still prefer the old Rock & Roll though
I added some extra space (just 24 pt/px worth) to use if I need extra space for quotes and stuff.
the background on it is terrible, i can't read it at all
I'm opening up my image program again... thanks for the feedback. Can you read it now?
Coldplay is hot right now, I still prefer the old Rock & Roll though
I liked - and interviewed - Solas. (However, I think some of that was already obvious. )
well the only other thing you listen to is "Microsoft - Windows Welcome music"
PunBB Forums → General discussion → Show currently playing song in signature/some talk about music & sigs
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