Topic: Including punbb into other page graphic

Hello, I would like to include punbb in my website design, that mean it will have a 800x600 (or close) box and other stuff all around.
Is this possible ?
I actually use smarty as template engine for all the website, is it still possible ? :p


Re: Including punbb into other page graphic

you can edit main.tpl to put stuff around punbb - read

Re: Including punbb into other page graphic

Well, it's not really what I want.
footer/header isn't enough, I want to be able to put punbb in a 800x600 tab with many things around, basicly, include punbb in a page, but I guess that isn't possible then :/

Re: Including punbb into other page graphic

No, it is possible. You have several options.

1.  Use an <iframe>. Security settings and compatibility issues make this idea not the best one.
2.  Make a header.php and footer.php for your other pages, and include them with <pun_include "Name of file relative to PunBB root path">. Or include existing ones
3.  Think up another solution not listed here.


Re: Including punbb into other page graphic

Take one of your standard web pages and edit it to include punbb ensuring there are no conflicts. Then rename it main.tpl and replace the original one.