Topic: Moved server : pubbb.users table doesn't exist problem.

I moved servers to
First I got a unable to fetch users info so I turned on debug mode.

An error was encountered
File: /home/macscene/public_html/forums/include/functions.php
Line: 110
PunBB reported: Unable to fetch guest information
Database reported: Table 'macscene_punbb.users' doesn't exist (Errno: 1146)

I exported the sql from the old server and imported it correctly into the new server.All the tables are there and fully populated.punbbusers is the name of the the table in question but punbb is looking complaining about macscene_punbb.users.

my config.php details look like this:
$db_prefix = '';
$db_name = 'macscene_punbb';
$db_username = 'macscene_demos';

Any help appreciated.

Re: Moved server : pubbb.users table doesn't exist problem.

My fault.I didn't define the db prefix as punbb as I should have sad