Topic: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Rickard was kind enough to bring Radek's original plugin up to PunBB 1.2 specs.


It's working great, will be adding all my blog posts to the forum and then turning all commenting over to the forum.

Thanks Rickard.


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

A site using Nucleus 3.15, PunBB 1.2.1 and the new plugin:



Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

The Nucleus to PunBB plugin has been a great feature to have but it's still lacking some features.

The feature it lacks is to feed over all exisiting blog posts and comments into the forum, or else you'd have a mixture of commenting on the blog and forum. Due to this I haven't been able to install it on my main site, hcgtv.com.

We planned on taking care of this a while back but schedules have a way of getting messed up.

What I have now is a huge urgency to get this functionality into the plugin or as a one time script outside of the Nucleus plugin mechanism.

I have a post that has gotten 686 comments: http://hcgtv.com/item/1073 - I've had to disable commenting on this post and create a new one so the conversation could continue. The page became huge and my bandwidth is suffering cause of it, I host my own sites.

So I'm asking for help, I'm willing to pay via PayPal or any other means to get this resolved. Now that my site has hit a nerve, it's becoming a nightmare to handle the commenting.

Contact me at nupusi at gmail.com.


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

hcgtv: I will do my best to get some work done on it this weekend. I know I've said the same thing before, but I really mean it. I have a question though. If I could impose a certain restriction on the Nucleus plugin, it would be a lot easier to code. Thing is, Nucleus does not use a database abstraction class and calls e.g. mysql_query() directly. It does not keep track of the connection link returned by the first call to mysql_connect() so it leaves that up to PHP. This turns into a problem if you want to connect to a different database in the middle of the script. You have to close the old connection, open a new one, do some stuff, close that connection, open the old one back up etc. etc. If PunBB and Nucleus were in the same database or if they were in two different databases and the mysql user had access to them both, I could just prefix any tables in the queries with the name of the database. Let me know.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Rickard, contact me via email and we can work out the details. I really appreciate this, I'm going nuts keeping my server running and tracking comments.

I have 2 setups, hcgtv.com has Nucleus and hcgtv.net will have PunBB, 2 different databases but a single user has access to them both. On NuPusi.com, the tables are in one database with table prefixes, nucleus_ and punbb_.

As for the abstraction, I know, I've been campaigning to have Nucleus use PunBB's abstraction layer but no decision has been made. This is also something that I would be willing to sponsor should you be willing to take it on once you have the time.


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

I have time to work on it tomorrow. E-mail me so I won't forget.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Thanks, will send you out an email today with the specifics.


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

I'm using Nucleus & Pun1.2.5 for this current project.

I'd be willing to kick in some $$$'s also, to get some better integration & ready for Pun1.3

Let me know!


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

I'm half-way through with the improved plugin, but I just haven't had the time or the energy to finish it. Things have been crazy these last few days. I apologize for this Bert, but I promise I will get on it as soon as I have some spare time. Hopefully, this will be tomorrow after work.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

That's fine, spent the day doing yard work, just got back in.


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

I would be very interested by this project, which is PERFECTLY I would like to have for my site www.sortons.net ...


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Rickard has enhanced the plugin to copy over all Nucleus items and comments to the forum from the plugin options screen.

Plugin interfaces Nucleus 3.2 with PunBB 1.2.5

1. Adds all Nucleus users, items and comments from the plugin options screen.
2. Adds new Nucleus user to PunBB from the createaccount.html process.
3. Adds new Nucleus items to PunBB topics, can be toggled per post.
4. Template var link to forum topic, with number of replies at the forum.
5. Category option to map categories to forums, click edit next to category.

There is online help via the new plugin helppages in Nucleus 3.2, click help right above edit options on the plugins admin screen.

Download NP_PunBB-1.3.zip

See it in action at NuPusi.com

If you have the plugin already installed:

a) Be sure to write down the current plugin options and categories to forums options.
b) Drop tables on uninstall? - make sure it's 'no' so you don't lose your link to the already fed over items at the forum.
c) Uninstall the old plugin.
d) Copy over new plugin and the /punbb subdirectory to /nucleus/plugins
e) Install the new plugin.
f) Reconfigure the plugin and categories.
g) Copy all users, items and comments from Nucleus to PunBB now? - toggle it to 'yes' after you have the options like you want and see all your items and comments feed over to the forum.
h) If you do 'g', then in the forum admin screen, go to the maintenance section and rebuild the search index.

Thanks to Rickard for all his help.


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Since I have no comments yet & I want it to create forum topics on a article by article basis.
Do I need to upgrade from the last release?

It seems to be running fine w/1.2.5?



Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Greg, if you like the way it works now, then you're ok.

We did fix some aspects of the feed:
a) images are fed over correctly.
b) stripped out some extra line characters.
c) handles bold, underline, italic.

Overall it's a better plugin.


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

I think I dream .... no I dream .... no ?!!

Can you explain quickly how it works ?! Because I'm impressed by this amazing plug in ..


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Rod wrote:

Can you explain quickly how it works ?! Because I'm impressed by this amazing plug in ..

I don't know what else I can add to what I've already described in the release 1.3 post above.

If you visit my site you can see that Nucleus items get fed over to a forum topic and when you click comments in the footer of an item it takes you to the forum topic so that you can add replies.

Basically it takes the place of commenting on my site.

What would you like to know?


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

In fact I take an example from my site ....

I have interviews or articles ....

but the problem actually is "Nucleus+Punbb are able to do this"

and this ... =

I take an from my site

Lofofora, Reuno

Lofofora sera l?une des têtes d?affiche du prochain FuryFest du Mans (24,25 et 26 Juin). L?occasion pour nous de nous entretenir avec Reuno, leader emblématique du groupe phare de la scène métal française. Entre la sortie du dernier album « Les choses qui nous dérangent » et la tournée géante, les gars de Lofo trouvent le moyen de libérer les démons qui les hantent. Extrait

Salut Reuno, on va commencer par prendre quelques nouvelles, comment se passe la tournée ?
Ca va bien, la tournée se déroule comme prévu. Beaucoup de gens viennent nous voir, ça nous fait vraiment plaisir. C?était un peu l?inconnu pour nous puisque nous avons fait cet album sans parachute, je veux dire par là que l?on a pris un virage par rapport à ce que l?on faisait avant. On avait vraiment envie de donner beaucoup avec cet album. Après chaque album, on a pris l?habitude de faire une centaine de dates, ce qui est assez conséquent.

Y?a-t-il chez vous toujours la même envie après plus de dix ans de tournées ?
La même envie, peut être pas, mais la même intensité sûrement. C?est vrai qu?on tourne depuis pas mal de temps, mais on a encore les tripes et la passion pour le faire. Et puis nous ne sommes pas cloîtrés, on a même toujours affirmé le contraire. Le groupe a changé aussi, des nouveaux membres nous ont rejoint il y a maintenant plus de trois ans, c?est du coup une nouvelle aventure humaine.

L?actualité de ce mois de Juin c?est, entre autre, le Fury Fest au Mans, comment s?annonce cet évènement ?
Je n?y ai jamais mis les pieds. Pour l?instant je n?ai pas vraiment eu de bons échos pour celui de cette année, à cause de petits soucis d?organisation. A part ça, c?est vrai qu?il y aura une programmation assez étonnante, on est même plutôt surpris d?y être ! J?ai eu vraiment de bons échos des éditions précédentes, et je suis persuadé que l?on va passer un bon moment là bas.

Ca doit faire quelque chose de jouer aux côtés de gens comme Megadeath, Slayer ou Anthrax, on imagine qu?ils doivent faire partie des groupes qui vous ont influencé ?
C?est étrange parce que l?on me dit ça assez souvent, alors que ce n?est absolument pas ma culture musicale. Après il est vrai que les gens qui jouent avec moi ont baigné dans des influences « punk », ils écoutaient aussi Metallica, Slayer ou Anthrax? J?aurais préféré jouer aux côtés de gens comme les Melvins. J?aurais aimé venir les dernières années en tant que visiteur, il y a quand même eu d bon son hardcore ici. Je préfère ça vraiment au métal.

La scène métal française se porte t-elle bien à l?heure actuelle ?
Non, ils ont tous eu envie de faire du nouveau métal, le problème c?est que ça a gavé tout le monde au bout de 5 ans. La plupart font maintenant des choses plus « pop ». A côté de ça, on a une scène « rock » française plutôt riche. Le métal, c?est toujours un peu la même guitare, forcément tu ne peux pas faire ça pendant trente ans. Il y a des gens comme ETHS, qui seront aussi à l?affiche du Fury Fest, qui réussissent à se démarquer des autres, mais encore une fois, ce n?est pas le cas de tout le monde. Les groupes de métal français essayent avant tout de copier ce qui se fait aux Etats-Unis plutôt que de développer une personnalité propre, c?est dommage. Tous ces groupes de  « suiveurs », ce n?est pas méchant ce que je dis, mais ça me fait penser à des gens assis au bord d?un fleuve qui guetteraient le passage d?un nouveau cadavre à dépecer.

Tu parlais de groupe comme ETHS, as-tu l?impression de servir de grand frère à une nouvelle génération ?
Oui, et en même temps je préfère que tu dises grand frère plutôt que grand père ! (Rires)
C?est vrai qu?on nous appelle souvent les tontons, les papas, les grands frères, peut être parce qu?on a été les premiers à mélanger un peu tout ce qui est punk, hardcore, métal? A l »?époque, nous n?étions pas très nombreux, du moins en français, c?est peut être pour ça qu?aujourd?hui on nous considère comme des patriarches.

Pour revenir un peu sur cet album, «Les choses qui nous dérangent », j?ai l?impression qu?il s?agit là du disque le plus accompli?
Je ne partage pas trop cet avis, dans le sens où cet album répond à des impulsions. On a mis toute notre énergie et notre haine dans ce disque, il a été écrit dans une atmosphère où tout le monde n?étai pas forcément joyeux. Je ne pense pas qu?il soit le plus aboutit. On a fait le moins d?arrangements possibles, même sur la pochette on peut s?en apercevoir puisqu?on a seulement mis « Lofo ». On a voulu aller à l?essentiel, ça en fait l?album le plus tranchant de Lofofora, on le compare un peu à « Peuh ! », qui est notre deuxième album. Peut être aussi parce que le dernier est aussi le deuxième du groupe dans sa configuration actuelle.

Je me suis aperçu qu?il n?y avait pas de date à Rouen pour votre tournée, c?est dommage?
Oui, c?est vrai. On a déjà dû y mettre les pieds pourtant le nom de « Exo7 » me dit quelque chose. C?est une bonne question en tout cas, je vais en parler à mon tourneur !

So ...

is nucleus able to take in QUOTE = title of the topic or title of the article
is nucleus able to take only in STRONG to appear on the front of the nucleus interface and for all the rest, a link like "read more"

Is this plugin able to take "only" forums we want or it recognizes basically all forums to transform them in intems ?


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Rod wrote:

is nucleus able to take in QUOTE = title of the topic or title of the article
is nucleus able to take only in STRONG to appear on the front of the nucleus interface and for all the rest, a link like "read more"

Is this plugin able to take "only" forums we want or it recognizes basically all forums to transform them in intems ?

a) The title of your item, which I assume is the Quote part is used for the title of the topic on the forum.

b) The Strong part I assume is the body of the article and then someone clicks more and gets the full item. You can feed just the body or the body and the more part to the forum, there is a link added to the forum topic to go back to the item on the blog if someone needs to read the full item.

c) You can specify what forums to feed to via blog categories -> forum and you can feed over everything or specify at time of item entry if it should go to the forum.

It's very flexible, there is a help.html file in the zip file, maybe reading it and seeing all the options might explain it a little better for you.


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

I'm playing with NUCLEUS (great tool !) ... but ...

I would like the comments when they are read from NUCLEUS, are in the NUCLEUS interface ... but if I read/post them from punBB, I see the same comments ... is it possible ?


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Rod wrote:

I would like the comments when they are read from NUCLEUS, are in the NUCLEUS interface ... but if I read/post them from punBB, I see the same comments ... is it possible ?

Anything is possible, it's just finding the time to implement it.

The way I did it was to feed over all Nucleus items and posts to the forum, from that point on, the forum handles the commenting. Having commenting in two places, on a heavily visited site, will drive you and your visitors crazy.

Over time, what I'd like to do is display the latest X comments right below the item, a peek at what is happening at the forum but only have comments entered at the forum. Maybe a new plugin is in order, I might use this as a basis:



Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Indeed it would be great ...

So I have installed my nucleus at http://www.sortons.net/nucleus ... I have installed your plugin but 2 questions
1. what's happening to my punBB account if I activate the option to have the same account pun / nucleus ?
2. I can "create" new forums for the categories I have created but the question is ... "where edit a category in nucleus ?"


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

VERY weird things smile

http://www.sortons.net/nucleus/index.ph … mp;catid=4

http://www.sortons.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4187 I can "read" this topic ... it's in the GOOD area ... but doesn't appear when I want to find it in the forum smile

And I don't understand why the comments don't work (the comments = the answers of the forum ...)


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Rod wrote:

1. what's happening to my punBB account if I activate the option to have the same account pun / nucleus ?
2. I can "create" new forums for the categories I have created but the question is ... "where edit a category in nucleus ?"

1. Since you setup Nucleus and PunBB, you should of used the same userid and password on both installs.

2. When you enter the Nucleus Admin sections, it will list your blogs by name, on that same line is 'Settings", click it and towards the bottom of the screen are categories.

24 (edited by Rod 2005-07-01 23:33)

Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

Thanx ... I'm afraid of "fusion" punBB and Nucleus user database ... really ... smile smile smile


Re: Nucleus to PunBB integration

In the same idea ... how to use the parser of Pun inside Nucleus ?