Topic: punBB and Wordpress

I installed punBB on localhost, it's really good. (Kudos to you Rickard)

I'm building a community project that utilises Wordpress so would really like some integration between it and punBB. Ideally so that users can register in the forum and post comments and posts in Wordpress.

I might have bitten off more than I can chew, but here's my reckoning:
1. Make a common users table between punBB and Wordpress. Pretty much done, here.
2. Scrap the punBB and Wordpress user tables.
3. Scrap the Wordpress login system. But keep the Wordpress code to creating its cookie.
4. Modify the punBB registration page php code so it has new fields for the extra information Wordpress requires, and alter the SQL so it inserts it into the new fields.
5. Alter the punBB login code so that it also creates a Wordpress cookie.
6. Alter all references to the old user tables in both systems.

See, it really is that easy. sad

When Wordpress installs it gives you a random password, that is MD5'd into the database. I changed it to SHA1 into the database, so at least I am prepared for the first punBB/Wordpress user. However getting at the Wordpress cookie login system is a joke, code poetry my foot! It uses a lot of requires that makes it near impossible to locate actual functions. I'll see if I can track down some Wordpress developers on IRC.

I would appreciate any feedback anyone has to offer.

Related: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7496

See, you not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux, you have to be a sneaky bastard too. -- Linus Torvalds


Re: punBB and Wordpress

It might be worth you posting at http://www.textdrive.com. Both PunBB and Wordpress are hosted there and both have forums on the Textdrive support board. There are some pretty knowledgeable people posting there.

For feedback on your methodology, you will have to wait until a codehead meanders by.


Re: punBB and Wordpress

Thanks for the link Paul.

I'm actually a bit disappointed with the code behind Wordpress. They said it is a state of the art publishing system, I took their word for it as all I saw was the shiny frontend. Once you get down to the code, it's not as state of the art as I would like, and I think it relies on magic_quotes sad

Damn these requires! One file requires another, and that another! Virtually no commenting except for "fun" commentary.

*waits for a codehead*

See, you not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux, you have to be a sneaky bastard too. -- Linus Torvalds


Re: punBB and Wordpress

Hi Hal,

Might I turn you on to the integration we've done with Nucleus CMS and PunBB?


Visit hcgtv in my sig, and peruse around smile


Re: punBB and Wordpress

Hal, listen HCGTV .... the possibilities with Nucleus are simply ... unlimited ?


Re: punBB and Wordpress

I'll definitely have a look at the code behind Nucleus. I'm just very wary of big CMSs, looking back on the phpnuke days.

I'm really looking for something light, and prefereably as modular as possible. punBB is great in that respect, so I'm really keen on using it somehow.

See, you not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux, you have to be a sneaky bastard too. -- Linus Torvalds


Re: punBB and Wordpress

Ok...I had a look at the source code for Nucleus, and I only have to say: why haven't I heard of it before?

One first impressions, the code seems very clean and has a nice templating system. I'll definitely experiment with the integration thing you've got going. smile

See, you not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux, you have to be a sneaky bastard too. -- Linus Torvalds


Re: punBB and Wordpress

Hal wrote:

Ok...I had a look at the source code for Nucleus, and I only have to say: why haven't I heard of it before?

It's a well kept secret wink

Hal wrote:

One first impressions, the code seems very clean and has a nice templating system. I'll definitely experiment with the integration thing you've got going. smile

The templating system is very easy once you have a good understanding of CSS. The integration is going good, Pun is a nice compliment to Nucleus, I couldn't be happier.