1 (edited by damac 2005-07-14 23:29)

Topic: Privat Message System and debug mode.

I have weird problem after instaling PMS. Can't disable Debug mode. In include/common.php is line 26 (define('PUN_DEBUG', 1)) commented, but debug info still shows up. I've tried to delete cache, debug info still there. I'm out of ideas. Can anyone help me, please.

some info:
PunBB 1.2.6 with Attachment Mod and PMS installed.

Re: Privat Message System and debug mode.

what error is causing the debug info to appear?


Re: Privat Message System and debug mode.

There is no error!

Time(s) and Querys just always appears at the bottom, regardless of PUN_DEBUG setting in include/common.php

Re: Privat Message System and debug mode.

scroll down a bit

// This displays all executed queries in the page footer.
// DO NOT enable this in a production environment!
//define('PUN_SHOW_QUERIES', 1);


Re: Privat Message System and debug mode.

O god, stupid me. thanks.