Topic: The work continues
I add stuff to the above file wheneven I change anything in the code that is to become 1.1. Some things that are on the TODO-list are:
- [DONE] Make templates for the e-mails that are sent out by the forum. These templates will be much easier to translate and extend than the current applicable parts of the language files.
- [DONE] Fix the tabindex order problem in admin_forums.php.
- [DONE] Remove the ability to enable/disable HTML in posts and signatures.
- [DONE] Add a new field to the user profile for MSN Messenger.
- [DONE] Define constants for commonly used integer values (0 = PUN_USER, 1 = PUN_MOD etc).
- [DONE] Make help.php display the current smiley set automatically.
- [DONE] Add LOW_PRIORITY (for MySQL only) to the SQL UPDATE for topic views at the end of viewtopic.php.
- [DONE] Split up common.php into common.php/functions.php.
- [DONE] Redo the admin interface for bans. Add "ban message" and allow multiple IP/IP-ranges to be banned at once.
- [DONE] Make admins "unbannable".
- [DONE] Make it possible to add admins to the moderator list.
- [DONE] Fix timezone issue.
- [DONE] Add support for PHP versions as old as 4.1.0.
- [DONE] Move "Edited by" text into the message table cell. Add .punedited to the CSS files.
- [DONE] Add a new debug level, PUN_SHOW_QUERIES, that displays all executed queries and the time each query took.
- [DONE] Remove the alphabet quick links in user list. Add more sorting options.
- [DONE] Add check for upgrade feature to admin_index.php.
- [DONE] Mass move/delete/open/close topics.
- [DONE] Mass delete posts.
- [DONE] Add profile switch to show/hide avatars (
- [DONE] Allow file inclusion in templates. E.g. <pun_include "somefile.php">
- [DONE] Transmit search data via GET instead of POST (
- [DONE] Move last visit data to the database (
- [DONE] Change quote syntax (see changelog for details).
- [DONE] Mail form. The ability to send e-mail to users through the forum. This will allow users to receive e-mail without having their e-mail address publicly viewable.
- [DONE] Rewrite topic subscription code. Only send one e-mail per new reply and allow inclusion of post in notification e-mail.
- [DONE] Switch from MD5 to SHA-1 password hashes for increased security (will apply to PHP 4.3.0 and later only).
- [DONE] Add some way of directly navigating to the first unread message in topics.
- [DONE] Add a variable to config.php for setting the name of the cookie.
- [DONE] Implement caching of parsed signatures in viewtopic.php.
- [DONE] Add global announcements (
- [DONE] Translate the JavaScript popup messages in forms.
- [DONE] Implement some way of easier integrating the forum into a website (recent discussions, users online etc.).
- [DONE] Rewrite options/permissions handling.
- [DONE] Add CSS class for "spacer tables".
- [DONE] Test everything with latest PHP 5 beta and PHP 4.1.0 (phew!).
- [DONE] Test with a profiling tool (probably APD).
- [DONE] Update install.html.
- Create some kind of readme that includes info on how to use the templates (especially <pun_include "*">).