1 (edited by Strafer 2005-08-16 11:34)

Topic: Impossible to create database - Blank page


I've got trouble with the installation of the version 1.2.6.

I'm using IIS 6 Windows .NET, PHP 5.0.4 and MySQL 4.1.13.

MySQL/MySQLi extensions are OK, also PHP.

When I fill the install form and submit it, I've got a blank page even if I uncomment the DEBUG line in to the common.php file. (Same thing with index.php but it's certainly normal because DB is not created).

What's this hell ?

Any help is welcome.

Re: Impossible to create database - Blank page

index.php should never show a blank page, what do you see if you view source?

Re: Impossible to create database - Blank page

Connorhd wrote:

index.php should never show a blank page, what do you see if you view source?

The source gives me : <html><body></body></html>

Strange !

Re: Impossible to create database - Blank page

Is this script a joke ? index.php has no source...

Re: Impossible to create database - Blank page

The <?php balise is not close at the end of each page ! brr

Re: Impossible to create database - Blank page

Strafer wrote:

The <?php balise is not close at the end of each page ! brr

Look at this : install.php


switch ($db_type)

     case 'mysqli':

     ?> HERE #1<br><br> <?
     require PUN_ROOT.'include/dblayer/mysqli.php';
     ?> HERE #2<br><br> <?


I've got only :



Perhaps the PUN_ROOT ? Here can I see its value ?

Re: Impossible to create database - Blank page

Ok, in the install.php file, modify the line :

define('PUN_ROOT', './');

by this one :

define('PUN_ROOT', '');

IIS 6.0 issue ? I don't know.

Re: Impossible to create database - Blank page

For IIS 6.0, all required file path seem to be incorrect :\