Topic: Installation on Windows 2003
I've got many problems to install punBB on a Windows 2003 Server.
I use :
- punBB 1.2.6,
- MySQL Server 4.1.13 (OK),
- PHP 5.0.4 with MySQL/MySQLi extensions (OK),
- IIS 6.0 (OK).
Everythink is well configured.
Before the installation, if I go to the index.php page, empty / blank page.
During the installation, in the install.php, I have to change the default PUN_ROOT './' by ''.
Then I create the config.php file (without the ?> balise ?).
Finally, index.php is always empty.
So, I'm looking for someone who has installed punBB 1.2.6 on Windows.
Thanks for your help.