Topic: Shall I choose punbb?

I want to make a webmasterforum, and am considering wich forumsystem to choose. I do not now anything about programming and do not have any experience with forums. What would you say are the atvantages of punbb to phpbb? Is it easy to make a list over recents posts on my frontpage? Can punbb make rss-feeds? Is it possible to costumize a frontpage showing the treads but also alowing me to make different links, a seachfield (wich I miss on this forum), field for ads? Of couse I could just try both punbb and phpbb, but I would not like collecting many nice treads and then decide to change the system.


Re: Shall I choose punbb?

Just a additional question: is it possible to send newsmails to the registered users?

Re: Shall I choose punbb?

I can only give you the yes/no answers. The other ones will have to be answered by someone else. I'm somewhat biased smile

knut wrote:

Is it easy to make a list over recents posts on my frontpage?

Yes. Have a look at the developer docs.

knut wrote:

Can punbb make rss-feeds?

Yes. See the previous question smile

knut wrote:

Is it possible to costumize a frontpage showing the treads but also alowing me to make different links, a seachfield (wich I miss on this forum), field for ads?


knut wrote:

Just a additional question: is it possible to send newsmails to the registered users?

Yes, with the Broadcast email plugin. Just drop it in your plugins directory.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Shall I choose punbb?

Thanks for the anwer Rickard. I think I have moved a bit closer to using punbb. But you are right - it can be a bit like a sexual mistake to choose the right system.

Re: Shall I choose punbb?


how about an all in one system?

PunBB Frontpage


FluxBB - Less is more


Re: Shall I choose punbb?

Thanks Dr. Jeckyl. That looks like an interesting proposal. I will take a closer look at it. Sounds great with an all in one system. By the way, why do you use vBulletin Version 3.0.7 on your own site?

Re: Shall I choose punbb?

the site isn't "my" site, it's just a site i admin. we use vb for some features that aren't possible(yet) on punbb. BUT i am fully in charge of a site/portal for our group of friends that i just built on PunBB Frontpage

if it was up to me we would have used PunBB for the main site also since it is a HUGE decrease in system resources and with a potential member base up in the area of 20-30k, it would be easier on the server in the long run.

FluxBB - Less is more