Really nice gallery, and I can't wait to see how it turns out when it's done!
Also, as I'm working on a PunBB portal system, here's a block I wrote that you can use on your frontpage to display the latest X images from category Y.
Front page image block for PunBB by
Öyvind A. Sörensen
REQUIRES the gallery mod by pokemon_jojo
Get it from:
// Configuration
$img_num = '5'; // Number of images to get
$cat = '1'; // Category to get images from
// Get the latest images from selected category function.
function get_latestimg($cat_id)
global $db, $pun_config, $img_num; // Global variables
// Select the latest images from the gallery
$result = $db->query('SELECT id, subject, posted, poster, poster_id FROM '.$db->prefix.'gallery_img WHERE cat_id='.$cat_id.' ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT 0, '.$img_num.'') or error('Unable to fetch required information from gallery', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
echo '<ul>';
while ($img = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
if (file_exists(''.$pun_config['g_rep_upload'].'/'.$img['poster_id'].'_thumbs_'.$img['posted'].'.gif')) {
$ext = '.gif';
} else if (file_exists(''.$pun_config['g_rep_upload'].'/'.$img['poster_id'].'_thumbs_'.$img['posted'].'.jpg')) {
$ext = '.jpg';
} else if (file_exists(''.$pun_config['g_rep_upload'].'/'.$img['poster_id'].'_thumbs_'.$img['posted'].'.png')) {
$ext = '.png';
echo '<li><a href="gallery.php?pid='.$img['id'].'"><img src="'.$pun_config['g_rep_upload'].'/'.$img['poster_id'].'_thumbs_'.$img['posted'].''.$ext.'" alt="'.$img['subject'].'" /></a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
<h2>Latest images</h2>
<div class="block">
<div class="box">
<div class="inbox">
<?php get_latestimg($cat) ?>
Hope someone finds it useful
[Click here] to see it in action, along with a couple other block I'm working on.