1 (edited by Detonate 2004-12-16 09:02)

Topic: Image as title

This is basic stuff kids, but for those who are interested in displaying an image instead of the title of your site where "PunBB.org Forums" is located in these forums.

All you need to do is go into the file header.php and change the line.

$tpl_main = str_replace('<pun_title>', pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']), $tpl_main);

(I recommend you dont actually change it, just comment it using // before it)


$tpl_main = str_replace('<pun_title>', '<img src=http://yoursite.com/image.gif>', $tpl_main);

Simple as pie, hope this helps.

Edit: Found a few bigggg bugs, gotta figure it out, if anyone knows how to fix the ones that I KNOW they KNOW are there!, please let me know :) thanks... I am going to have this fixed within the hour.

Edit Again: Okay I found the problem, it actually wasnt a problem with my idea, my idea works fine...I just kinda tried to edit the actual Title using admin options, to see if it would accept the html, but it doesnt...so dont bother trying. Just one of those things...you test and test to realize you made a silly mistake -_-, man am I embarressed.

Re: Image as title

just do it the easy way an open main.tpl and replace <pun_title> with <img src=http://yoursite.com/image.gif>

3 (edited by 555|STi 2004-12-20 19:15)

Re: Image as title

I did it with another method. A little bit easier for me.

This is the main.tpl original code

<table class="punmain" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
    <tr class="punhead">
        <td class="punhead">
            <span class="puntitle"><pun_title></span><br>
        <td class="puncon1">

And this is my mod

<table class="punmain" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
    <tr class="punhead">
        <td class="punhead">
            <span class="puntitle"><object width="320" height="30"><param name="movie" value="4-40.swf"><embed src="4-40.swf" width="320" height="30"></embed></object></span><br>
        <td class="puncon1">

I used a little .swf as a title. you can see it in http://foro.club4-40.cl

And if the night runs over,
And if the day wont last,
And if the way should falter along the stony pass
It's just a moment, this time will pass!!

Re: Image as title

555|STi wrote:

I used a little .swf as a title. you can see it in http://foro.club4-40.cl

The green hurts my eyes, think you could make it a little brighter?

*bump* I will need this thread in an hour or so lol so bumping it now. Apologies in advance for re-hashing an old topic.