Followup to Tobi's method:
I am working on an archive method (or two, see here: )
and using Tobi's method for utilizing the "main" forum's user database for the "archive" forum.
I found it works most completely if I add the following lines at Line 76:
$sql = ereg_replace($this->prefix ."users", "MAINFORUMPREFIXusers", $sql);
$sql = ereg_replace($this->prefix ."groups", "MAINFORUMPREFIXgroups", $sql);
$sql = ereg_replace($this->prefix ."online", "MAINFORUMPREFIXonline", $sql);
$sql = ereg_replace($this->prefix ."forum_perms", "MAINFORUMPREFIXforum_perms", $sql);
$sql = ereg_replace($this->prefix ."reports", "MAINFORUMPREFIXreports", $sql);
I am sure it can be re-written to be less code, but the idea is it allows for seemingly unequivocal (comprehensive) management of the users and their permissions from a single (the main) forum.
Since I am using the code I thought it would be useful to post this here.
Love is the Function
No Form is the Tool