Topic: Spelling Error in Profile

Just had one of my forum members point out to me that "Set your localisation options" should be "Set your localization options".

Minor, yes, but should be correct.

Re: Spelling Error in Profile

Localisation is correct smile

Main Entry: lo·cal·iza·tion
Variant: also British lo·cal·isa·tion /"lO-k&-l&-'zA-sh&n/

3 (edited by badrad 2005-09-24 23:41)

Re: Spelling Error in Profile

Well, there you go. I didn't know that.

I think it should be the US spelling, but thats probably because I am in the US smile

Although, if you wanted it to be correct for the most people...

Population of United Kingdom: 60,441,457
Population of United States: 295,734,134

Quick Google search also shows twice as many US households (as a percent of population) are online as UK households.

But whatever, I won't complain unless you start saying colour. Then I will complain.


Re: Spelling Error in Profile

badrad: It says English, not American English.
But I won't complain unless you start saying Soccer instead of Football, then i'll complain! wink

Re: Spelling Error in Profile

Arvid wrote:

But I won't complain unless you start saying Soccer instead of Football, then i'll complain! wink

We have formed a fragile compromise. If we're lucky, it will hold, if not, God help us.
