Topic: Paid mods (yeh that got your attention didn't it)
Ok, heres the basics, i'm lazy, and i want some mods made for mypunbb, so i've decided to see what response i would get if i offered some money for people to make me mods. Heres how it will work, i will give out the specs for mods, you will make the mod(s) you want, you can release the mod as yours under GPL (as punbb requires afaik). Then if i am satified that you have met the spec i gave and that its up to a standard that i am happy with (i'm happy for you to work on these a bit at a time and add more until its got all that i request), i'll pay you the amount of money specified (via paypal). I also require these mods to be written in a similar style to punbb with a proper installer, readme, language files, database setup.
I'm also happy to discuss prices, and the spec, think of this as an opportunity to make a punbb mod and make a little bit of cash at the same time I'm not trying to pay someone to code i'm trying to make the coding a bit more interesting
Ok heres the first mod, its got quite a few parts so i have split it up a bit, the idea being you only need to install the parts you want.
First off,
Cash mod - $20
Basically this allows users to gain cash by posting and is the basis of the next couple of mods and hopefully other mods in the future
* Donate (give cash to other users)
* (Negative cash e.g. debit?)
Optional Features
* Lottery (some kind of system of buying a ticket and possibly winning money, not sure if it should just be a probability thing or if it should be they win the "pot" at the end of the week)
* Bank (users can put in money for a specified interest rate(/loan money with a maximum loan?))
Admin Settings:
* Name of cash (so points, gold, etc could be used)
* Amounts of cash per reply, new topic, show amount of cash in topic (next to posts) (both a default setting and a per forum setting for both).
* Admins can edit amount of cash in users profile
This mod also needs a little developer faq telling other developers the database structure (like the punbb docs), so other mods can be based on it.
Shop/Item mod - $30
Requires the cash mod, adds the ability for users to "hold" items and subsequently have a shop
* Users can have items, items have attributes that can be used by other mods (some kind of serialized array?) this will have to allow them to have practically any number of properties.
* View items in profile (items have name and sometimes an image)
* special items (no idea how this can be done, but stuff like override a certain forums permissions with an item, override title permissions with an item) these should probably be released as an extra section of "Minimods" that can be added since they will require edits to alsorts of files.
* items have name, description, image and attributes
* shops have name and description
* shops can be open/closed
* people can buy from a shop and sell to a shop
* donate items to other users
* If you want to add more you could make it so people can open their own shop, and/or make an auction but this is entirely optional (if you really want to do this i might consider adding a bonus $10 to the price)
Admin Settings:
* Create/edit/delete shops
~ shop can be open or closed (an on/off button plus an opening times button (use server timezone so people can't cheat it))
~ shop needs to have items added with a buy and a sell price (and a number of each item)
~ shop permissions (per usergroup)
* Create/edit/delete items (this should be a different plugin so that it can be changed by future mods
~ items have name, description, image and attributes
* max items per user (per usergroup)
RPG mod - $50
This is basically the reason for all of this, the idea of this is to add an RPG character to the user, create an rpg section for the forum, let users battle monsters and each other. (if you want an example of the kind of thing i want look
I will add details of this if anyone wants to make these mods.
I would prefer if 1 person made all the mods (for a nice $100 i might add ) but if no one offers to then i am happy for 1 person to make each part or whatever, but they need to be made in order whatever happens.
on another note, if anyone comes up with a good idea for a mod that i would want to use on mypunbb (it has to be of reasonable size not just a little hack) i may pay for that as well.
More Mods
Arcade Mod - $30
This is a mod that allows users to play flash games and gives out awards, keeps highscore tables etc. I'm leaving it pretty open ended as i don't have any specific ideas for it. But basically it needs to use the games from another arcade mod for phpbb, IPB, vbulletin as long as the games are free to download. If not then i guess the games will need to be made to work with this.
If you want to make this Please contact me before doing it
Downloads Mod and Links Mod - $40
Ok this is 2 mods but i've stuck them together since they will use a very similar format. I know there are a few upload/download mods for punbb but i want a decent one that works as i want it to.
* Both mods copy the punbb forum style, with categorys and forums within them
* the forums within have downloads/links posted instead of topics
* You can reply to these in the form of comments.
* Downloads can link to either another sites page, remotely hosted files, locally hosted files, or files can be uploaded through it (thats why this mod has quite a large price )
* links simply have title, description and the link.
* There are full permissions for the "forums" for both downloads an links (per usergroup, read downloads, download downloads, post download, upload file, post reply and for links view links, post link and post comment)
* The links and downloads need to count views, clicks and comments
Admin Logs Mod - $15 - Complete
I think Mediator has made this mod but not released it, but anyway...
* Logs all admin and moderator actions (includes editing profiles but i don't think editing/deleting posts is really needed)
* Has a log viewing plugin
* Optional automatic pruning of log table (or file but i think database storage would be better).
HTML Pages Mod - $15
This will be most useful for mypunbb, but someone might still make it, it simply needs a php file page.php or whatever that can load html pages from the database e.g. page.php?page=faq for a FAQ page, users can then add links to these pages through the additional menu items settings. The main part of this is the html page generator. I want it to have a plain html editor (a nice WYSIWYG would be awesome) plus a "wizard" to generate a page which you could add "boxes" to, each box would have a title and content box and would be punbb style boxes e.g.
<div class="block>
So you can edit/delete existing pages, view them through page.php, or create new pages via the wizard or via a plain html editor.