Topic: An extremelly tiny bug

I don't even know if this should be pointed out as a bug but I will just in case.

If you try sending a post with the username Guest, two errors will come up:

*  The username guest is reserved. Please choose another username.
* Someone is already registered with the username Guest. The username you entered is too similar. The username must differ from that by at least one alphanumerical character (a-z or 0-9). Please choose a different username.

Both outputs are used, I just thought 1 was enough.

As I said, it's a tiny bug, do whatever you wish with this post.

Re: An extremelly tiny bug

That is why you never let anyone be name guest. This problem has been nearly forever, since the invention of internet forum.

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Re: An extremelly tiny bug

Hes not saying that Speechless, hes saying only one error should show which is probably right

Re: An extremelly tiny bug

But then if you get pulled over by the police for speeding, you may also get fined for dangerous driving ...


Re: An extremelly tiny bug

I would have thought the first error message was sufficient.

Re: An extremelly tiny bug

Indeed it is. I'll fix it for 1.3.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."