Topic: internet explorer/ firefox doing different things

Hi There,

Thanks for this wonderful software.

Can someone help me please. I have a board installed at

it looks the way I want it to in Firefox but In Internet explorer the fonts are different and gaps appear in navigation menu.

all help is appreciated as this one is a bit beyond me.

My board is not live yet so the messages there are just tests etc


The Helper

Re: internet explorer/ firefox doing different things

I would also be interested in knowing how to remove the links at the top of the forum so only the posters title appears

as in   

    * Index Troubleshooting internet explorer/ firefox doing different things

I would like it to just show  explorer / firefox doing different things  not the index trouble shotting bit

I hope this is clear

many thanks


Re: internet explorer/ firefox doing different things

me again

I understand about extern.php to output to another page

what do i put in the html of my entry page to call the extern.php or am i way off here



Re: internet explorer/ firefox doing different things

The answer to the first question is that in your stylesheet you have set the font-size for internet explorer to 65% which is the equivelant of 10px. If you want 15px like Firefox then I think 93.75% should do it.

As for the gaps in the menu bar, there are items missing as compared to the whats in the source so it would depend on what method you used to hide them. It looks to me like you just removed the link text in the language file. Thats no good because the items have margins etc which could still show as space even if there is no text. You can disable the rules item in the menu through admin/options. As for the userlist item, try li#navuserlist {display: none}

Re: internet explorer/ firefox doing different things

thank you i will try that
where do i find li#navuserlist {display: none}

many thanks

Re: internet explorer/ firefox doing different things

worked like a charm

how come in IE little black boxes next to posts show up but not in firefox

I tried to get an image to show up there but had no luck

many thanks for your help