"The only odd markup is that stuff somebody has added in the announcement box and a totally pointless table. Unclosed tags and, I almost can't believe it, tags in uppercase. I guess there has been a time warp and we've gone back to 1998."
The only thing editted by myself is the _bottom_ of the reggy page, and recently (like, this morning) I modded the top nav thing to gen the "PM" link. The image/png header has been removed from the reg*.php so I dunno why you're still getting it. Possible cache issues, me senses.
The stuff in the announcement box .. I can't explain. I've not touched it (ask Jacob)
My HTML style is very old, yes (I left for better things 1.5 years ago) but it's worked for me so far. The tags are in upper case because they are 'supposed' to be. From what I can see, there're no unclosed tags around where I have editted the reg page, so that again is out of my hands. The tables are there to format the page. I couldn't use anything else because it formatted incorrectly. Using <div> tags caused them to line up next to each other. Same for breaklines. I threw some empty tables in because they're the only sure-fire way of knocking everything onto the next line. I personally hate any form of new, 'this is so great' HTML including div, etc. because they seem.. wank. That could be because I don't understand them.. and to be 100% honest, I don't want to
Bigger things on my plate ATM.
The bot/script check was coded by myself. It's all standard stuff. The reg page calls for an image (img.php). The img.php page generates a random number, creates an image and writes the text to it. Obviously it uses sessions. The page itself is fine. Everything is there, in the right order, closed properly, and it works.
To say my PHP is the cause of the problem is a bit off the mark. We know the problem is browser-specific.. meaning it's a problem with what the browser is handling. The browser only handles 2 things. 1, headers. 2, HTML/JS. PHP is server-side, therefore.. it never makes contact with the browser. If there was an actual PHP error, the PHP parser would say so... but it's not. So, the problem has absolutely _nothing_ to do with my PHP. I can safely say that. I am guessing the problem is related to the way firefox/opera handles different bits of HTML/JS, or possible incorrect headers (could be the image/png thing.. but like I say, that's gone now so that bit is out of my hands)
Dom (admin at the site) did report that he was getting other errors in FireFox. Before we made any mods to it. That being, the nav bar at the top didn't change, whether he was logged in or not. It continued to display the register/login links.