Topic: PunBB for comments in Movable Type

My apologies if this has been covered--I searched and didn't find something that answered this specific question.

I really like how Rikard has set up the PunBB homepage with MT linking directly to forums for comments. Is the code set up in MT so that it automatically starts a new forum for each post, or do you have to go and add it by hand and link it?

I want to do this exact thing, so any help would be very appreciated!

Re: PunBB for comments in Movable Type

I don't use MT for I use a simple semi-static page and then include the output of the news generator plugin (look at the downloads page).

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: PunBB for comments in Movable Type

Oops--I was mistaken--I thought I read that you had used MT on the homepage.

Purely academically, then--would it be possible to have some scripting using the MDK to have MT (or, any blog software for that matter) send a command to PunBB asking it to create a new post in a particular forum, then return the id of the forum so that the blogging software could assemble a link?

Or, maybe the other way is easier, since most blogging software have robust api hooks, maybe I make a post in a forum, and any post by the administrator in that forum triggers a script that generates an entry in the blogging software with the title and body of the PunBB post?

Please pardon me if these questions are naive or if I'm missing something--I'm a web designer, but a novice with PHP and programming languages. I've been known to muddle my logic before :-)

Thanks very much for the help!