Topic: Textile Replacement for BBCode 1.0.1
Textile Replacement for BBCode
there are many who want to use textile instead of bbcode.
inspired by this thread:, i decided to make a mod who provides full textile functions (except own html codes) and is easy to install. the plugin can be installed in 3 minutes.
see the mod in action at
first of all: what does textile do (for those who do not know)
* Replace single and double primes (' and ") used as quotation marks with HTML entities for opening and closing quotation marks (?? and ??) in readable text, while leaving untouched the primes required within HTML tags.
* Replace double hyphens (--) with an em-dash (?) entity.
* Replace single hyphens surrounded by spaces with an en-dash (?) entity.
* Replace triplets of periods (...) with an ellipsis (?) entity.
* Convert many nonstandard characters (?úß???) to browser-safe entities corresponding to keyboard input.
* Apply block- and phrase-level structural tags automatically and at the discretion of the writer via quick tags.
* Allow the quick creation of simple and complex tables
* Allow the simple application of style, class, id, language and alignment attributes to elements
* Create hyperlinks and insert images via quick tags.
* Define acronyms via quick tags
* Wrap an <acronym> tag around runs of three or more capital letters automatically.
* Convert (TM), (R), and (C) to ?, ®, and ©
* Convert the letter x to a dimension sign: 2x4 to 2×4 and 8 x 10 to 8×10
>> Test it here:
Here is a quick reference:
Quick block modifiers:
Header: hn.
Blockquote: bq.
Footnote: fnn.
Numeric list: #
Bulleted list: *
Quick phrase modifiers:
-deleted text-
+inserted text+
To apply attributes:
To align blocks:
< right
> left
= center
<> justify
To insert a table:
To insert a link:
To insert an image:
To define an acronym:
ABC(Always Be Closing)
To reference a footnote:
But there is already a mod..
Yes theres a mod, however it can only be installed on clean punbbs. If you havent modified your punbb and want to be able to change between textile and bbcode use this mod:
However you can only decide once if you use bbcode or textile. once you forum posts are written with textile you can't easily switch to bbcode. the posts would be messed up.
the mod really integrates well into punbb.
you can turn textile off and on just like bbcode.
you can turn images off and on just like bbcode.
you can differ between messages and signatures just like bbcode.
your users can't use <html> tags just like bbcode
plus it provides easier post formatting and much more possibilities to do it.
this post would have been easier to write and more structured with textile.
Readme Header
## Mod title: Textile replacement for BBCode
## Mod version: 1.0.1
## Works on PunBB: 1.2.7
## Release date: 2005-09-13
## Author: Felix Brockherde (
## Description: Use Textile instead of BBCode. You can find more information
## about Textile here:
## Affected files: post.php
## edit.php
## profile.php
## lang/English/common.php
## lang/English/help.php
## include/parser.php
## Affects DB: No
## Notes: "This space would otherwise be a good space to brag
## about your mad modding skillz :)"
## Actually this is my first mod ;) Give me some feedback!
## This mod was inspired by Fire Fusion
## DISCLAIMER: Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
## PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
## own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
## applicable files before proceeding.
Download v1.0.3
update: signature fixed