1 (edited by ardmhacha 2005-11-07 00:33)

Topic: problems with integration and Netscape/Opera/Firefox

I am having problems integrating punbb with my site. There is a space below my banner at the top of the page.  This is only a problem in Netscape, Opera and Firefox (OK in IE) . Also the navigation menu seems to have more padding than on other pages on the website. This is a problem in all browsers. I have been trying to resolve these issues for some time without success, so I would really appreciate some guidance on this.

The url is http://www.clanneireann.net/forum/upload/index.php

Re: problems with integration and Netscape/Opera/Firefox

I eventually resolved the space below the image in my header  - see http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=8777

Now to resolve the problem with my navigation menu.


Re: problems with integration and Netscape/Opera/Firefox

Try changing the doctype on the PunBB page so it is the same as the others. Don't worry if PunBB breaks, I'm just trying to see if thats the problem.

Re: problems with integration and Netscape/Opera/Firefox


Thanks for your reply. I have made the change you suggest and it seems to have resolved the problem in Opera 8.5, however it still exists in other browsers, including IE6. BTW, PunBB did not break having made the amendment.



Re: problems with integration and Netscape/Opera/Firefox

The side menu on all the pages looks the same to me in IE, its only Gecko which seems to have the problem.

BTW: I think PunBB's margin and padding settings on body and html might be conflicting with yours i.e. a vanishing space at the top of the screen.

6 (edited by ardmhacha 2005-11-12 00:05)

Re: problems with integration and Netscape/Opera/Firefox


I have messed around with the margin and padding settings in punbb but was unable to resolve the issue including the space at the top of the page. Having said that it looks fairly good in most browsers and I'm sure when the site is launched the forum will be a resounding success. Thanks for your input.
