Topic: forum not keeping correct look

my forums looks as though it is not reading a .css file or something. The page just looks like  there is no structure to it. All the information is there, but when you log on it looks like this. … ;tp=348337 . It was working fine before when I only had one forum on the box, but then I  moved my forum from another machine onto my other freebsd box(both were freebsd) and got the websites to work properly, but now both forums appear like the picture above. I can understand if the forum I moved over didn't appear right, but I didn't understand why it would interefere with the forum that was already on there. Anyone have any ideas?

Re: forum not keeping correct look

Ok I have a bit of an update. The .css files seem to be there when I try to login under internet explorer but when I go to login, it says that I logged in fine, but after it lets me login it takes me back to the forum mainpage and says I'm not logged on.  In firefox, it allows me login fine and I can post and everything, but it has the same problem as before with not appearing correctly. Anyone have any ideas?

Re: forum not keeping correct look

well I figured it out, incase anyone was wondering. I just deleted the whole forum file(with the exception of the config file) and put the newest version in there. However, most of my problem was some forwarding that I was doing where the website was forwarded to the ip address because I had to use a different port to run the web  server on. So at any rate, thanks for anyone who read this and took the time to try and figure out if they knew anything was wrong.