Topic: Line break between date and user name


I'd like to add a line break (<br>) between the date of the last post and the user name.
Atm this looks like
"Today 20:00 by User Name"

I'd like to have
"Today 20:00
by User Name"

Which file should I edit for that?

Btw: Thank you for that great board! I like it very much. It's so tiny and neat. smile


Re: Line break between date and user name

Just do it with css instead.

#punviewforum td.tcr span.byuser {display: block}

3 (edited by Vanslyde 2006-11-03 15:50)

Re: Line break between date and user name

Hi, if I reduce the width of my window I'll have a line break on my smileys menu and I'm not too crazy about that.. by line break I mean the smiley menu will display on 2 lines..


Is there anyway I could fix the Quick post field (or anything else) so it wouldn't shrink and break the smiley menu?


Re: Line break between date and user name

Paul wrote:

Just do it with css instead.

#punviewforum td.tcr span.byuser {display: block}

Thanks. I had the idea to do that myself, but haven't had the time to research it.

Just browsing a bit can be really helpful sometimes. smile