Topic: announcement for people who are not logged in?

i would like to know if anyone could make a mod that displays an announcement for only users that don't have an account (not logged in). This would be a great mod so we can remind people to make an account on every page they surf to, until they actually do register and login wink

2 (edited by bodhisattva 2005-11-30 10:44)

Re: announcement for people who are not logged in?

Well, of course you can put a big ATTENTION sign image on every page and make IE alert them on every submit that they're not registered and they should do so, but that's just plain annoying. I think it depends if you have a community forum (where most of the talkers are registered and form a comunity) or just an informational forum (where most users are guests, they come, read the info, maybe post something and leave).

As for the announcement, I think the extra boxes mod can be modified very easy for your purpose (to add a line to the top of the normal announcement saying to the uregistered users that they should register).

Re: announcement for people who are not logged in?

I really want something like what has:

Re: announcement for people who are not logged in?

Well, that's something very easy to do

Try the Extra Boxes Mod (you need the Guest Information part, where you can put the info you want to show to your guests).

Check it out.

Re: announcement for people who are not logged in?

Thanks smile

Re: announcement for people who are not logged in?

Or you can just create your own PHP script that checks if $pun_user['is_guest'] is false and if it is, outputs an announcement box. You can then include this script from your template. How to do that is described in the FAQ.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."