Topic: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text

Anyone else having problem with mysteriously disappearing text with IE and punDokuWiki?

Check it out... … mies-index

Sometimes the text appears, sometimes it doesn't. If you highlight the text, it will appear. What do you suppose would cause something like that?

I'm also wondering... should I even be working with this software? What happened when punBB 1.3 is released?
Will the mod stop working? yikes

Michael Garofalo
Webmaster -

Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text

I can't make it disappear.

Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text

Jansson wrote:

I can't make it disappear.

what browser are you using?

Michael Garofalo
Webmaster -

Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text


5 (edited by Photics 2005-12-08 22:35)

Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text

I notice that you're in Sweden. Maybe this has something to do with the text encoding features?

For example, this site is displayed in Western European (ISO)... but the Wiki pages show up in Unicode (UTF-8).

I tried viewing the page in different encoding, but the problem still appeared for me. Here's what's interesting though... I cannot view the page source on the Wiki pages. When I changed the Encoding to Western European (ISO) I was then able to view the source.

Michael Garofalo
Webmaster -

Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text

Jansson wrote:

I can't make it disappear.

UPDATE: I believe it only happens when you are logged in... and viewing a wiki page. I'm scanning the code, trying to find something that is different between when you are logged in and when you are not.

I tried deleting lines 420-424 of wiki/inc/html.php file...

        print '<div class="user">';
        print $lang['loggedinas'].': '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
        print '</div>';

...but that didn't do anything tongue

Heh... so I put it back lol

Michael Garofalo
Webmaster -

Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text

For those of you keeping score...

I've managed to narrow it down to a stylesheet problem... I think big_smile

Line 379 of the html.php

    <div class="page">

I changed "page" to "bar"... and the disappearing text went away. Heh, then all sorts of screwy problems happened in Firefox. The next step is to find where the page is calling the styles. It's like looking for a spoon, in someone else's house.

Michael Garofalo
Webmaster -

Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text

Final Update...

Line 535 of the html.php

        $html = html_secedit($html);

I removed the second edit buttons. They're not really needed and they were screwing up the formatting.

Michael Garofalo
Webmaster -

Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text

damn i really need to update the wiki, it has a new parser and alsorts now, *sigh*


Re: punDokuWiki - Disappearing Text


DokuWiki has a new parser, a new spellchecker and the search has been sped up.

Worth an update, I keep up with the latest versions and it keeps getting better.