Topic: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

Hi folks!

For some strange reason I get a 'Failure to connect to MySQL server' message every other time (or so) that I change between pages in PunBB.

If I press 'refresh' a couple of times - the page magically opens!

I've found no system in the madness...

Does anyone have a clue? Is it a cookie related problem?



Re: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

mysql is failing to allow connections...

Re: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

I'd say your sql server is a busy man :-D

It's not a cookie problem, it's a traffic jam. You should ask your hosting firm about this.


Re: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

they must have overloaded the server with someone big,..


Re: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

Thanks folks!

I'm awaiting a response from my webhotel.

I'll post the reply here - in case anyone would be interested.

Killer forum, by the way !!!!



Re: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

My webhotel thinks the problem is related to the fact that the various scripts in PunBB does not close the db-connection after reading spesific data. I'll look into this...

They also gave me the IP-adress for my MySQl-server...

But they refused to belive it was a traffic-problem.

I'll check my options...


Re: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

Jons: Open up config.php and replace

$p_connect = true;


$p_connect = false;

That might work if the problem is what your host is telling you. I doubt it though.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

It seems that changing the db_host to the IP-adress worked very well.

I don't know why - but I'm now a happy camper (?)

Thanks for all help, folks!


Re: 'Failure to connect to MySQL server'

Changing hostnames to IP-adresses should be considered as DNS-problems... For me it's still a traffic jam. If there is some scripting issue in Pun everybody should have practically this same problem, but they don't. It's also quite logical that every provider of whatsoever refuses to believe it's related to their material. Anyway, happy you've found a fine camping spot :-D