Topic: Problem with changing of layout and integration


I have downloaded and trued PunBB and I really want to use it.
But when I change the layout in main.something and uploads it, its not getting right.

Here is a link to my page: http://tibia.no
And as you can see here: http://tibia.no/forum/index.php does the forum page go over the left menu.

Anyone know how I can fix this problem?

Thank you.



Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

The reason is that the left menu is not actually being output so the left column (cell) is empty and therefore collapsing.


Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

Thank you, Paul!
It works almost perfect now.

This is not your job, but as you maybe can see, are the borders little messed up.
Do you know how I can fix that?



Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

The only thing that I can see thats obviously wrong is that the td that holds PunBB has both a border attribute set to 1 and a style declaration that says border-left-width: 2. The style declaration is invalid anyway becuase it doesn't say 2px etc. Try fiddling with that and see what happens.


Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

Thanks again!

Now my site is 100% perfect. Only need to change some colors.

Thank you so much for your help!


Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

Actually, not quite perfect. The text is too small to be read in IE6. See this post for the cause and the  fix.

And if you want to try and get rid of that gap between the logo and the google ads in internet explorer, try this
<img src="/images/logo.jpg" style="display: block">


Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

Thank you, fixed it now.

Now its only one thing I can see that I cant fix, and thats the left menu in IE.
But thats my problem smile

Anyways, thanks again!


Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

In your menu.css file try

.menu-li li {display:inline}

9 (edited by Runar 2005-12-23 01:04)

Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

I thank you again, Paul!

Fixed the problem.

Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

how did you integrate your sites footer with punbb footer, ive been trying to do that but no luck..


Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

Just added the code of the footer.php in the end of the template file.

12 (edited by devinkray 2006-01-17 04:58)

Re: Problem with changing of layout and integration

yes, but i goto include the main file with all my functions into main.tpl and nothing shows up...

something like this


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">



<html dir="<pun_content_direction>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<pun_char_encoding>" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="include/board.js"></script>



<div id="punwrap">
<div id="pun<pun_page>" class="pun">

<div id="brdheader" class="block">
        <div class="box">
                <div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">








bittorrent.php holds the stdhead and the stdfoot functions but when i upload this, nothing changes to the forums at all sad