1 (edited by PHPAuctionsites.com 2006-01-11 22:21)

Topic: PLEASE HELP, i have a css problem

Hi all,

I hope this question hasd not been already answered elsewhere, i did search the forum but could not find an answer to the problem i face.

I have created the my forum with my own template and all looks ok except for the smaller text. the best way for me to explaine is request you take a quick look at my site forum ( www.phpauctionsites.com/phpforum/index.php )and then look at the copyright notice text for PunBB and also the test created by a user post is also to small. I have spent ages trying to find the style class that controls this text size.

can anyone help me?

New user


Re: PLEASE HELP, i have a css problem

Nothing actually sets those font sizes. Those items just pick up the general font size for the whole board which is set in item 2.1 of the main stylesheet. What is interesting is that all the problem items are paragraphs so something somewhere is applying only to the contents of <p> tags.

EDIT: Could it be #wrapper p {font-size: 70%} which is causing a knock on effect.

3 (edited by PHPAuctionsites.com 2006-01-11 22:38)

Re: PLEASE HELP, i have a css problem


Thanks for the quick reply, im at that stage where i wanna cry LOL.

Any ideas for a possible fix ?

Kind Regards

Edit "EDIT: Could it be #wrapper p {font-size: 70%} which is causing a knock on effect."

will check this, thanks paul


Re: PLEASE HELP, i have a css problem

Just checked and it is that setting. What you need to do is override it with a more specific selector. Try
div#punwrap p {font-size: 100%}

Re: PLEASE HELP, i have a css problem

which css file is this in ? base.css or imported style
Thanks for your help


Re: PLEASE HELP, i have a css problem

It doesn't really matter but it would make sense to put it with the other font sizes in item 2 of Lithium.css with a comment saying its something you added.

EDIT: In case you hadn't noticed, #wrapper p is also screwing up the padding and margins on paragraphs to make them indented. Just use the same div#punwrap p {} to reset the paddings and margins until it's how you want it.

Re: PLEASE HELP, i have a css problem

Thank you Paul,

That worked for me and have added to the base css, saves adding it to each style.
Thank you again