Topic: Please Add Support For Absolute URLs
First of all, let me say that I am very impressed with your product. It is great!
I have one feature request that I consider very important.
I have just gone through my entire punBB installation searching for every href, src, and action element and I added a simple variable to the front.
Meaning: In common.php added (I realize I could have used $pun_config['o_base_url'] but I wanted to keep the two separate in case one needed to change while the other didn't):
$link_base = '';
Then for each href, src, and action element, I added the following code to the entire site:
echo '<a href="' . $link_base . 'page.php?var=1">';
<a href="<?php echo $link_base; ?>page.php?var=1">
depending on where the variable needed to be placed.
I can tell you that it was a huge pain for something that should be included by default into the package.
Absolute urls provide many advantages (as do relative urls). It seems to me that absolute and relative often depends on the developer/designer's preference. This would be an easy addition to 1.3 and it would definitely make life much better for me.
As a final reason to help encourage the addition of absolute URLs, I will leave you with a quote from GoogleGuy (a Google employee who visits web developer message boards and sometimes gives advice about how to develop a site).
absolute links have less potential for getting messed up. Even though it shouldn't make a difference, I recommend absolute links.
Original Post:
Other Documentation :: GoogleGuySays Website: … donts.html
If it's good enough for GoogleGuy, it's good enough for me. Hopefully you will consider the advantages of adding absolute URLs to the package (if nothing else it may help to get PunBB higher in the search engines resulting in making it even more popular).
As you can see, I am trying to do everything I can to convice you (Adding absolute URLs to Mods makes me even more desperate for this feature). Hope I convinced you. Let me know.