Topic: Ganked.us // Internet.Destroys.Us

It's been a while since I've posted a Show off thread, so I decided I'd post with my most recent creation (nothing special):

http://ganked.us is a new site I'm working on, it's gaming related

http://forums.ganked.us are the forums, just put them online today

http://internet.destroys.us I've had since early December, it's more of a blog/random/nothing good at all site

http://internet.destroys.us/forums are the forums, and they are a mess, but GOOGOGOGOGGO! (they look like my previous show off thread's forum the metal congress, but I closed that)

Both of them use my own post icons mod, store/cash mod, spoiler tag, modified styles, and have private messaging (connerhd's). Oh, and the IDU forum has a SUPERULTRAAWESOMESPECIAL section dedicated to my cousin, but I wouldn't go there.

The other mods I'll probably add to the ganked forums are more store options, topic ratings, and coloring of usernames.


Re: Ganked.us // Internet.Destroys.Us


On the ganked forums, I would lighten up the text a bit, it's a little hard to read.

So Chuck Norris is hanging out at destroys.us wink

Re: Ganked.us // Internet.Destroys.Us


4 (edited by Dwaggy 2006-01-26 08:33)

Re: Ganked.us // Internet.Destroys.Us

I made this for someone but then he did not use it, so i guess you can if you want hehe

Nice sites brah

Re: Ganked.us // Internet.Destroys.Us

hcgtv wrote:


On the ganked forums, I would lighten up the text a bit, it's a little hard to read.

I second that. On a TFT it is almost impossible.


Re: Ganked.us // Internet.Destroys.Us

hcgtv wrote:


On the ganked forums, I would lighten up the text a bit, it's a little hard to read.

Indeed... For some reason I could read the text fine when I set the colors, now I can't read it at all either... sad Suppose I'll change it to white.