latheesan wrote:Buts thats not right. This is a corupt in the GPL licencing system. I just dun get it.
I don't think the licence is the part to attach the "corupt" to in this case...
latheesan wrote:Why should someone resell my script without my permission? isnt that piracy?
How about all the punBB code you are using (or relying on). How much did you pay for that?
As has been pointed out here and at punres you can't take GPL'd code and unGPL it. That is what you are suggesting. Read the comments in the APM_Example plugin. It is described in there quite nicely.
AMP_Example.php wrote:##
## 6. Since plugin scripts are included from the PunBB script
## admin_loader.php, you have access to all PunBB functions and
## global variables (e.g. $db, $pun_config, $pun_user etc).
## 7. Do your best to keep the look and feel of your plugins' user
## interface similar to the rest of the admin scripts. Feel free to
## borrow markup and code from the admin scripts to use in your
## plugins. If you create your own styles they need to be added to
## the "base_admin" style sheet.
## 8. Plugins must be released under the GNU General Public License or
## a GPL compatible license. Copy the GPL preamble at the top of
## this file into your plugin script and alter the copyright notice
## to refrect the author of the plugin (i.e. you).
Perhaps that clears things up a little? From what you have said I don't think you are making a plugin but a list of someone else's code to change (or more likely, the file with the changes already made) that reflects your modifications. Did you read the GPL stuff at the top of that file? Every one that I have seen has the GPL notice in it.
Or perhaps I just don't understand the problem, wouldn't be the first time...