Topic: linking back to home site
I dug around the posts and found an exchange between 'muddy' and a couple of other people regarding this, but it was dated 2003, and although the concepts haven't changed much since then, the line sequences have.
Question: How do I ADD a link at the end of the main menu (after 'login/logout') that will take users back to the home site?
Muddy asked the same question, but all he got was info on modifying an existing link; i.e., changing the anchor tag reference on the 'Home' link (which is now 'Index' in the version I have) so it takes him to his home page instead of to the forum's index page.
I can see in the functions page (functions.php) where all this happens, beginning at line 236 (in v1.2.10). To ADD (not modify, mind you) another link after 'login,' this seems like it should do the trick if inserted after line 253:
$links[] = '<li id="webwiredhome"><a href="../../index.php">'.$lang_common['Webwired Home'].'</a>';
But I know enough about php to know that I don't know enough about php:)
Which is to say, does that line automatically generate the hyperlink? If so, why doesn't it appear in the menu bar after saving, uploading, etc.?
This is just a guess, but I'm thinking the id="..." needs to be set somewhere else as well, not just filled in here.
By the way, 'index.php' is the name of the home page I want to access with this link, located two levels up from functions.php.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much.