Topic: HOWTO: Add more smilies
1. Copy the smilies you want to add/change to into img/smilies/.
2. Open up include/parser.php and locate row 32. Here you will find two rows of PHP code. One that starts with $smiley_text and one that starts with $smiley_img. Unmodified the rows should look like this:
$smiley_text = array(':)', '=)', ':(', '=(', ':D', '=D', ';)', ':x', ':rolleyes:');
$smiley_img = array('smile.png', 'smile.png', 'sad.png', 'sad.png', 'big_smile.png', 'big_smile.png', 'wink.png', 'mad.png', 'roll.png');
3. For every new smiley that you want to add, add a character combination to $smiley_text and a filename to $smiley_img. Say you wanted to add a smiley for the character combination :cool: and that this combination would be replaced by the image cool.png, the result would be as follows:
$smiley_text = array(':)', '=)', ':(', '=(', ':D', '=D', ';)', ':x', ':rolleyes:', ':cool:');
$smiley_img = array('smile.png', 'smile.png', 'sad.png', 'sad.png', 'big_smile.png', 'big_smile.png', 'wink.png', 'mad.png', 'roll.png', 'cool.png');
Please note that you have to escape the character ' (singlequote) with a backslash if you use it in any of your smilies. I.e. ':rock\'n\'roll:'. Singlequote must be escaped so that PHP can understand that it is not the end of the string, but a character in the string. The same goes for backslash. If your smiley contains a backslash, just must escape that backslash with another backslash. I.e. ':\\'.
4. After you have added your smilies to $smiley_text and $smiley_img you should have a look at the row directly below. It says that you must uncomment the next row if any of your smilies contain any of the characters &, ", ', < or >. Uncommenting is done by removing the two slashes in the beginning of the row
// $text = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $text);
5. Voila!