Topic: New post and latest post!

I am not sure this is a bug or a feature request.

I visit this forum and start view the new posts that have the blue square hightlighted after I read the first post and go back all the blue square highlighted is now grey out but I have not read them yet

The show all un-read post is good but because of the above reason it is not useable so is there a way to have a button or link to click on to show all message that post since x number of hours like 4hrs, 8hrs, 12hrs, 24hrs, 1week, 2weeks, etc.

It is very hard to try to keep up with the posts with the above issue.



Re: New post and latest post!

Hi Chanh,

PunBB 1.3 will address this with a revamp of the post indicators.

What I do is this:
a) Click 'Show new posts since last visit'
b) Click '[ New posts ]' next to each topic to get to the latest posting
c) Hit the back button so I can go the next topic

That's about it, pretty simple and it works really fast.

3 (edited by chanh 2006-02-04 18:28)

Re: New post and latest post!

Hey Bert,

You are one of the gang here, huh!

Thanks for the tips.

I have been trying to understand PunBB but not having very good luck on learning more about PunBB features and possibly integrate with other CMS.

I found Punbo which is a very good attempt but it made so much modifcations to PunBB code that it will be hard to do upgrade when PunBB release new version.

I am looking for some way in PunBB that allow using external authentication and disable PunBB's own authentication.

Any tips on that?

PS: I did that but now the post stay as "New" even I already read it.  It is so confusing!



Re: New post and latest post!

With PunBB 1.3, we'll have extensions, so that mods would not be neccessary.

As for external authentication, it's a scratch your own itch kind of thing. It's on a per project basis, Nucleus, Coppermine, Mambo, Textpattern, etc.