Topic: Messed up layout

I have integrated my forum into my website but for some reason the header seems to be messed up. This only happens in firefox though :S In Explorer it is fine. is my forum.

Below is what is in my main.tpl

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

<html dir="<pun_content_direction>">

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
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Re: Messed up layout

Do you really not see the problem with what you're doing? tongue

You can't just declare multiple doctypes, open up new <html> tags, etc and expect everything to be OK … Findex.php

Fix these and then you should be fine (or at least better off than now)

Re: Messed up layout

Smartys wrote:

Do you really not see the problem with what you're doing? tongue

You can't just declare multiple doctypes, open up new <html> tags, etc and expect everything to be OK … Findex.php

Fix these and then you should be fine (or at least better off than now)

Now that was a stupid mistake. It didnt even occur to me. Thankyou smile


Re: Messed up layout

And if after fixing it you continue to see space around your images, try
td img {display: block)

Re: Messed up layout

Paul wrote:

And if after fixing it you continue to see space around your images, try
td img {display: block)

Ive got it working but thanks anyway smile