Topic: adding a link to Navlink
In functions.php what do I have to change in the array to add another link to the Navlink Bar. I'd just use Options in Admin but I need it to be only acccsesible to members.
// Are there any additional navlinks we should insert into the array before imploding it?
if ($pun_config['o_additional_navlinks'] != '')
if (preg_match_all('#([0-9]+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\n#s', $pun_config['o_additional_navlinks']."\n", $extra_links))
// Insert any additional links into the $links array (at the correct index)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($extra_links[1]); ++$i)
array_splice($links, $extra_links[1][$i], 0, array('<li id="navextra'.($i + 1).'">'.$extra_links[2][$i]));
Is the array but I'm not that great at php yet...yet.