Topic: PunUploadExtra - new old mod!

At first get it, please:

Yes. This mod was originally based on punUpload 1.1.1 by ultime (Pierre-Luc Lacroix -,           and UploadMoD by Yevgen Zinchenko aka Loiso (,  but has been much rebuilt and added many new features.

Main features:
1. It's regular XHTML (tested on Fx 1.5+Tidy). I just like it be this way.
2. You can apply filter and sorting to file list output result.
3. Uses session to store all filter and sorting parametrs.
4. One can get file access in no way but through uploads.php script (or I just hope it is that wink)
5. You can set permissions for all groups.
6. You can add/change file categories and types allowed for uploading.
7. You can localize it to your native languge (in pack there are just English and Russian localizations. To my shame I have no command of another languages). Please, just translate file lang/English/uploads.php into your language and put it into appropriate directory. And you can send it to me so I will be able to put it in the next releases.
8. And, major feature (for me, at least) - you can easily uninstall it. To do this, just upload install_mod.php to your forum directory, run it, press button Restore, then delete this file and files /uploads.php, /lang/.../uploads.php, plugins/AMP_Uploads_Conf.php, and direcory /uploaded/ and all its content.

Get it (if you have not done this yet):

That's all, folks!

P.S. Two secrets regarding this project: wink
If you linger mouse cursor on the date of file you will get its time.
Twice clicking on the header of the same column will revert sort order for this column.


Re: PunUploadExtra - new old mod!

Here's the french version :


// Language definitions used in uploads.php
$lang_uploads = array(

'Uploader'            =>    'Téléverseur',
'File'            =>    'Fichier',
'Size'            =>    'Taille',
'Delete'            =>    'Supprimer',
'Posted by'            =>    'Utilisateur',
'Rang'                =>    'Rang',
'Date'                =>    'Date',
'Size'                =>    'Taille',
'Downloaded'            =>    'Téléchargé',
'Desc'                =>    'Description',
'Sort'                =>    'Cliquer pour classer selon ce critère',
'Filter'            =>    'Critères',
'Categ'                =>    'Catégorie',
'Part'                =>    'Nom du fichier contenant',
'All'                =>    'Tout',
'Pages'                =>    'Sur la page',
'Go to page'            =>    'Aller à la page :',
'Enable filter'            =>    'Appliquer les critères',
'Reset filter'            =>    'Remettre à zéro',

'Not allowed'        =>    'Action non autorisée.',
'Not allowed mes'    =>    'Je suis désolé, mais vous n\'avez pas les permissions nécessaires pour accéder à ce module.',
'Upload file'        =>    'Téléverser un fichier',
'Upload rules'        =>    'Règles de téléversement :',
'Upload rules mes'    =>    "- Vous pouvez téléverser des fichiers avec ces extensions: %EXT%<br />
                - La taille maximale d'un fichier est de %SIZE% KB<br />- Ne téléversez pas de contenus illégaux",
'Descr'            =>    "Description du fichier :",
'Upload warn'        =>    "Les fichiers peuvent contenir des virus ou être illégaux. Merci de reporter un tel cas à l'administrateur.",
'File list'        =>    "Liste des fichiers. Fichier apporté : %NUM%. Page %CUR% sur %ALL%.",
'Err no file'        =>    "Vous n'avez pas spécifiez de fichier à téléverser",
'Err file exists'    =>    "Il y a déjà un fichier de ce nom sur le serveur",
'Err file big'        =>    "Le fichier est trop lourd",
'Err file type'        =>    "L'extension de ce fichier n'est pas prise en charge",
'Err file couldnot'    =>    "Impossible d'envoyer le fichier",
'Err file not found'    =>    "Fichier introuvable",
'Err counter'        =>    "Impossible d'augmenter le compteur de fichier, peut-être n'y a-t-il pas de tel fichier",

'File uploaded'        =>    "Fichier téléversé : ",
'File deleted'        =>    " - fichier supprimé!"


Re: PunUploadExtra - new old mod!

Thank you very much.
This French localization will be in the version 1.1 coming tonight (+03GMT)

We value all feedback.


Re: PunUploadExtra - new old mod!

Hey is there any way I can select that lets say guests can view and download only jpg files  ? I really need that hehe

Re: PunUploadExtra - new old mod!

The way is to re-write mod for the sake of that specise function.