Topic: Border Padding

Can anyone help me out? Heres my website http://www.d1acollegefootball.com/Forums/index.php

1.Is there a way to remove the border at the top around the picture without it removing the lines seperating TOPICS, POSTS, RECENT POSTS etc?

2. Where can I add padding to the top of the forum and the left side? I just want to add a couple pixels pad to move the forum off the browser frame.

3. Where can I remove the pad from the top of the menu so that the football picture is sitting directly on the menu?

Ive tried messing with the cs files but I cant seem to get these done.



Re: Border Padding

1. Put the picture outside of div#brdheader

2. See 5.1 in the stylesheet.

3. #1 should take care of that


Re: Border Padding

1. Where or how do I do that? I think I may have already done it once when messing around and it left a blank header area(since text is removed) so I had a blank box with a picture on top.

2. Ok

3. Ok

Thanks for the help!


Re: Border Padding

2. LOL that was dumb of me. Its right there. Spent to much time messing with this I guess.

5 (edited by TFD 2006-03-04 16:01)

Re: Border Padding

OK I found the div#brdheader and I got the code in. Looks good but ther is still like a 5 pixel border sticking up. How can I remove this?



Re: Border Padding

Remove div#brdtitle

7 (edited by TFD 2006-03-04 16:21)

Re: Border Padding

HOLY SHNIKIES!! did you mean remove this
<div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">

from my main.tpl? cause it jacked up my whole forum!!

Re: Border Padding

Nono, in the style file smile


Re: Border Padding

oh hehe. Thanks. Which section is it in? I see brdtitle in several places but not div#brdtitle


Re: Border Padding

<div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">

Remove that from main.tpl


Re: Border Padding

if I remove <div id="brdtitle" class="inbox"> then it messes the board up really bad.

this <p><span></span></p>

is not in my main.tpl