1 (edited by freddykgb 2006-03-06 06:20)

Topic: [SOLVED] Changing 'Sticky' to something else

I would like to change the 'Sticky: ' before all sticky thread to something else like 'Hot thred:'

How can I ?

A new poker community is rising : see for yourselft at unbluffed.com

Re: [SOLVED] Changing 'Sticky' to something else

In the language files smile

Re: [SOLVED] Changing 'Sticky' to something else

Open lang/english/common.php


'Unstick topic'            =>  'Unstickytopic',
'Stick topic'            =>  'Sticky topic',

Replace with

'Unstick topic'            =>  'Unhot thred topic',
'Stick topic'            =>  'Hot Thred topic',

Open lang/english/misc.php


'Stick topic redirect'        =>    'Topic sticked. Redirecting …',
'Unstick topic redirect'    =>    'Topic unsticked. Redirecting …',

Replace with

'Stick topic redirect'        =>    'Topic Hot thred. Redirecting …',
'Unstick topic redirect'    =>    'Topic unhot thred. Redirecting …',

Open lang/english/forum.php


'Sticky'        =>    'Sticky',

Replace with:

'Sticky'        =>    'Hot Thred',
My PunRes Wiki Mods:
1.) Remove Post Icon in View Topic And in Index
2.) Bold Links In Header

Re: [SOLVED] Changing 'Sticky' to something else

Works #1!!!

A new poker community is rising : see for yourselft at unbluffed.com