Topic: Looking for some Help
Okey I got a PUNBB board that has grown some, I got about 18000 posts at the present time.
I have been searching the forum but not found what I am looking for.
I know there inst any multigroup built in and I dont dare to try the addon if that would screw up the forum so what i did was create alot of groups instead.
Now What I need is to make 3 of them to Moderator groups, is it possible?''
This forum is for World of Warcraft and I am looking for a cool feature.
What I would like is to have so you can have a drop down meny in your "Profile" that tells what class you are, Ie Warror or simmilar and that that is shown under your Name when you reply or post.
One more thing. I am using the addon that gives you stars when you reach certan post counts, what I would like is to not that it should add a new star when you reach the next level but show a different star (I have all stars)
Check thies start