Topic: From BBcode to html ?


I going to make first page by myself, but I have problem with BBcode. What should I do to make change all text with BBcode to HTML ?


define('PUN_ROOT', './');
define('PUN_QUIET_VISIT', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']);
define('PUN_ALLOW_INDEX', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'header2.php';
require PUN_ROOT.'include/parser.php';


<div class="blockform">
       <div class="box">
    <br />

$zapytanie = "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE forum_id=2 ORDER BY id DESC";
$wykonaj = mysql_query ($zapytanie);

while ($wiersz=mysql_fetch_array ($wykonaj)) 


$data = date('d.m.Y',$wiersz['posted']);

echo ("<b>".$wiersz['subject']."</b> - ".$data."<br />Autor: ".$wiersz['poster']."<br /><hr />");


$zapytanie2 = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE topic_id=$id LIMIT 1";
$wykonaj2 = mysql_query ($zapytanie2);

while ($wiersz2=mysql_fetch_array ($wykonaj2)) 


echo ($wiersz2['message']."<br /><div style=\"text-align: right;\"><a href=\"".$wiersz['id']."\">komentarze(".$wiersz['num_replies'].")</a></div><br />");



require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';
Darmowe forum - Polish free forum hosting

Re: From BBcode to html ?

i find answer:

$wiersz2['message'] --> parse_message($wiersz2['message']) :-)

Darmowe forum - Polish free forum hosting